Start | History | Wings | Wings1 | Wings T/A | Wings Mess | Wings Mess1 | Patches | Patches T/A | Badges | Badges1 | Badges2 | BadgesT/A | Shoulder FL | Headgear | Plaques | Belts | Unit Knives | SBS | Other | Other 1 | Other 2 | Blazer
Current Officers
Bullion Beret Badge
Current Officers
Bullion Beret Badge
Notice Difference in wings
and thickness of line
in middle of each wings
WW 2 Blackened Brass Beret Badge
Has the shorter slider and makers name on back
WW2 to malaya beret badge ?
possibly Guards because of blue wool background ?
Hand stitched comes from beret
If anyone can help more please do for this is a tricky one..
WW 2 Beret Badge